Violet was a small child, even
for her tender age. However, no-one who knew her would have said she was
tender. She had huge dark eyes which she used to unsettle others, and she
made a habit of avoiding speech whenever possible.
This time, Violet was sitting
cross-legged on the playground floor at break time. She wore
an inscrutable countenance as she picked at the sandwich her father
had packed for her. As usual, she was alone. Some distance away, a plump
girl from her year was handing out birthday party invites. A small gaggle of
children had flocked around her. 'She's not even that popular,' Violet
reflected as she drew a large V in the dust with her finger. Not that she
really cared; she had more serious things to worry about right then. The
playground suddenly seemed quieter. Violet looked up at the group in front of
her. They had dropped their voices and where arguing heatedly in ill-suppressed
whispers. At the centre of the knot a pretty blond child, whom Violet knew
to be called Romilda, was reviling the birthday-girl for something she had just
said. '...not the freak!
Seriously?' she ranted, a little too loudly. The chubby girl clutching the
invitations glanced surreptitiously at Violet's corner, caught her eye and
hastily turned back to face Romilda. Violet knew they were talking about her,
but she didn't much care, as long as they kept her out of it.
As it transpired, she was not to
be kept out of it. The girl appeared to have stood her ground against Romilda's
assaults, since she was making her way towards Violet with a purposeful look.
Violet cleaned her dusty fingers on her trousers and looked up at the newcomer
blankly. She was surprised to see her holding out a colourful card and
making a brave attempt at smiling. People usually found this difficult around
Violet. Although annoyed, Violet tried to soften her expression; the girl
looked as though she was trying to be kind. 'Would you like to come to my
party?' she said, offering her the card. The honest answer was 'no', however
nice she was trying to be, and Violet had never been one to beat around the
bush, so she said it. The girl looked stung. 'Maybe you are a freak,' she
snapped, her eyes filling with tears, as she turned on her heel and marched
back to the smug-faced group awaiting her.